Monday, November 26, 2012

Southern Thanksgiving

Hi everyone!
I hope your Thanksgivings went well! Our family Thanksgiving is so typically Southern, I just have to write about it. We always go to Augusta, Georgia to see my daddy's side of the family -- great aunts and second cousins included. We have two kinds of turkey (fried and smoked -- I like the fried, of course), macaroni and cheese, all kinds of veggies, and pies. I love the chocolate pie, but we also have pecan and pumpkin. After that, we all watch a movie. Usually, we watch O, Brother Where Art Thou, but this year we watched The Descendants, which was actually kind of depressing. When the movie is over, it's around 7:30 at night and it's time for my parents, my sister, and I to go home.
What do y'all do for Thanksgiving?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Book Review

I absolutely loved Suck Your Stomach in & Put Some Color On! by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson! I read it on the beach this past summer, and I got so many strange looks when I laughed out loud at many parts of this book about Southern girls and their Southern Mamas. Instead of traditional chapters, each section is a lesson that the author, Shellie, learned from her Southern Mama. No piece of advice is left out -- Shellie's Mama covers everything from your first date to "growing young."
Part of the reason I loved this book so much was because Shellie's Mama reminded me of my own Southern Mama. Much of the advice from the two Mamas were the same, proving that great Southern minds think alike, and Shellie and her Mama shared many of the same experiences that my Mama and I are now experiencing.
In all, if you're looking for a comical light read for Thanksgiving or Winter break, read this, and you'll definitely feel closer to your Mama.

Me and My Southern Mama

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why I Love the South

In writing a blog about the South, I figured I should start off by writing about why I love living in Dixie.
I have lived in Atlanta my whole life, and I love it here. I can't imagine living anywhere else. I love the (sometimes extreme) heat in the summer and the cold, cozy winters. I love walking around Downtown at night and seeing the skyrises and the Fox Theater lit up. I love it at Christmas when everyone puts out their twinkle lights. I love finding all the wonderful, mom-and-pop restaurants that have the best food. Like I said, I really love this city.
But this blog isn't just about Atlanta -- it's about the South as a whole. It's about our traditions, our people, and our love of football. Because the South isn't just a place, it's like a whole other world, with our unique culture and way of life.