Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lilly TBT

Lilly Pulitzer is a staple of southern living, I've had an obsession for Lilly since pretty much I was born. I love Lilly! My entire family is Lilly obsessed. Because it's Thursday heres a throwback of me a my big sister! At the beach when I was two and she was five. We've been Lilly girls since the start!
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves

Friday, January 9, 2015

Favorite Lilly 14-15 Resort print

Hey everybody,
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! I wanted to share with y'all my favorite print from the Lilly Pulitzer resort line this season. Here it is: Jungle Tumble! I adore this print because of all the colors! It has so many bright colors which brighten up a dull winter day but still enough dark colors to make it appropriate to wear during the winter!
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves