Friday, January 10, 2014

College Organization: iCal

Hi everybody!

I can't believe the first week of second semester is already over! I'm already enjoying all my classes, and I missed my college friends so much! Now that it's a new year and a new semester, I thought I'd share with y'all some of my tips for staying organized in college starting with one of my favorite tools: iCal! I definitely use iCal on a daily basis as a electronic backup to my planner (which I still live out of). Everything I need to do on a certain day goes on the iCal just like it goes into the planner, and it's really helped with my time management. I can see when I'm in class and when I have free time, and I can use that when I go to make my daily to-do list in my planner.

There's what a typical week looks like for me -- I never realize how busy I am until I see it in this format! I'm usually not into color coding, but I like to use it here because it helps me see at a glance what type of activity I'll be doing!

Hope y'all can use this in the upcoming semester!

Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Year in Review: 2013

Hi everyone!

I hope y'all all had great nights last night, and relaxing days today! I had so much fun in Athens with my friends, I can't wait to move back into my shoebox on Sunday! I'll definitely miss my family here, but I'm sure they'll still come to visit lots!

In other news, I can't believe 2013 is over! So much happened this year, I don't know how I'll fit it all in one post!

Mary Reeves and me before my last PDC dance in January!

In February I had my Senior Presentation with National Charity League. I got to wear a white ball gown with eight layers of tulle, and I definitely felt like a princess!

For senior spring break, my best friend, Charlotte, and I went skiing in Park City!

My Senior Prom dress is probably my favorite dress ever!

In May I graduated high school!

Me and Daddy and Mary Reeves at Sea Island this summer.

In August, I went through Sorority Recruitment at the University of Georgia! After a long week of rush, I pledged Delta Zeta, which I absolutely love! Here's my entire pledge class on bid day!

My awesome roomie and I before our first game day!

In October, I got the best big in the entire world!

And, to top it all off, my friend Lexie and I went to Athens for New Year's Eve!

2013 was a great year, but I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store! 

Have a lovely day, and a wonderful 2014!