Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Cheer Camp

Hey Everyone!!
Last week the HSP varsity cheer team went to cheer camp at the University of Georgia! It was a week full of fun, team bonding, hard work, a little bit of stress, and some sadness. It was sad because this year was my last cheer camp... ever! I have gone to cheer camp with some of the girls on my team this year for like 5 years. longer then some of them have been in high school! It was sad at "senior send off" when I was telling all the girls why I love them and how thankful I am for them. They cried, I cried, it was very emotional. That being said I ADORE my team! The 11 other girls on my team are my favorite people in the world! We bonded every night in Lizzie and my's room and those conversations we had brought us so close!
Day number 1  
 6:00am with Lauren on day 2
 Day 2 outfits
 Day 3: Sen16rs in the front!
 The theme for camp was shipwreck so here the squad is in our pirate outfits for the pep rally
 A cute pic of my cheer baby sis Emma and I
 Y'all know I couldn't get a pic without my BFF lizzie
 The squad at our finest on Day 4
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy Birthday America!!!

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful independence day! I know I did! The Holden clan went to lake Oconee we went and watched the fireworks at Great Waters on Reynold's Plantation! The best part, other then the beautiful fireworks, was seeing one of my best friend Kylie! This is the second year in a row she and I have run into each other at this firework show and its always so fun!
Here's Kylie and me at the firework show!!
Hope y'all had a great day like I did!
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves