Friday, August 21, 2015


First official week of school is almost over! Last week was just our fun week, we started on wednesday and on Thursday, Friday and Saturday the whole senior class went up to North Carolina to  go white water rafting on the Natahala River! It was such a fun week!! Heres some pictures from all the adventures
 Yay Sen16r!!
 My friend Patrick who I got to put a crown on his head and I! Were super excited for senior year
 Candid of my squad on the first day a of school!
 Squad again after we went rafting
 Lizzie and I looking cute
 Steph and I brought our enos 
 Lizzie and I cuddling in our eno
Steph and I took a trip down memory lane
Stay Southern 
Mary Reeves

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sea Island 2015

Last week my family went to the golden isles down on the coast of Georgia. It was the best most relaxing week I could have asked for. With senior year approaching VERY fast (8 days) I really need a week to just not think about it. We also added a new family member, my best friend lizzie attended the beach trip for the second year in a row. She's with my family so much now a days we joke around and say were going to change her last name to Holden. I love having her with me at the beach, she's one person I just don't get tired of. Here are a few pictures from the wonderful beach trip!
Lizzie and I in our eno
 Lizzie and I trying to get on our swan float which we named QE2
and us being flipped off of QE2 which happened so many times I can not even count
We finally got QE2 to stay still long enough to get a picture. I just had to strangle her
 Lizzie and I matched one day with our triangl bathing suits and our ray ban flash lenses 
 Mama and I 
 Lizzie and I before dinner one night
 The fan went shooting and I felt like a badass

Lizzie receiving lots of love from me, dealing with my craziness is not an easy feat
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Cheer Camp

Hey Everyone!!
Last week the HSP varsity cheer team went to cheer camp at the University of Georgia! It was a week full of fun, team bonding, hard work, a little bit of stress, and some sadness. It was sad because this year was my last cheer camp... ever! I have gone to cheer camp with some of the girls on my team this year for like 5 years. longer then some of them have been in high school! It was sad at "senior send off" when I was telling all the girls why I love them and how thankful I am for them. They cried, I cried, it was very emotional. That being said I ADORE my team! The 11 other girls on my team are my favorite people in the world! We bonded every night in Lizzie and my's room and those conversations we had brought us so close!
Day number 1  
 6:00am with Lauren on day 2
 Day 2 outfits
 Day 3: Sen16rs in the front!
 The theme for camp was shipwreck so here the squad is in our pirate outfits for the pep rally
 A cute pic of my cheer baby sis Emma and I
 Y'all know I couldn't get a pic without my BFF lizzie
 The squad at our finest on Day 4
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy Birthday America!!!

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful independence day! I know I did! The Holden clan went to lake Oconee we went and watched the fireworks at Great Waters on Reynold's Plantation! The best part, other then the beautiful fireworks, was seeing one of my best friend Kylie! This is the second year in a row she and I have run into each other at this firework show and its always so fun!
Here's Kylie and me at the firework show!!
Hope y'all had a great day like I did!
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Looking Back at this Year

Hi everyone! I can't believe that in about 2 months I will be a SENIOR!!! Because Im so excited to become a senior I was looking back at my favorite memories from junior year! Junior year was definitely a memorable one and I know for the rest of my life I will look back and love my junior year! But that being said I cannot contain my excitement for senior year! I know that its gonna be full of memories and fun and the most wonderful people I have every met! Here is a collage of all my favorite pictures!
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves

Friday, June 19, 2015

Cheer Team 2015-2016

Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a wonderful summer thus far! I know Im having a good but crazy busy one! I have exciting news!
For the first time in HSP history a team had a CUT tryout for the team. It is a big step forward for HSP to be able to choose who we want on our team and the fact that it was our cheer team making that history really showed HSP that the cheer team is a force to be reckoned with. Im so proud of every girl who made the team this year! They are all so talented and I feel so lucky to be apart of this 2015-2016 team! It is going to be an amazing year and I can't wait to make a ton of new memories with all these amazing girls! Congrats to the new HSP varsity cheer: Myself, Lizzie, Lauren, Catherine, Ajia, Andi, Emi, Sarah, Lillian, Olivia, Emma, and Julia!
Stay Southern and have a great summer!!
Mary Reeves

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

HSP Graduation

Hi everyone!
Today was graduation at HSP for the class of 2015. Im so sad to see some of my best friends leave for college! Especially my girls Catie and Meredith! Ive had a very special bond with these two lovely ladies for a long time! Ive known Meredith since I was in 5th grade! We've always been there for each other and we will always share the dyslexic struggle! Ive watched her become the smart, funny, and amazing person she is and Ive loved every second of it. Catie and I have been close for about two years but I feel like Ive known her forever! We first became close as cheerleaders and our friendship has just grown and grown! From being cheer captains this year to her being my sponsor for Alpha Phi (HSP's service sorority) to giving each other a hug every time we see each other in the hallway. I can't believe both of my girls are leaving me and I honestly have no idea what I'm gonna do without them next year. But they will both be at Auburn next year and only be exactly 1 hour and 58 minutes driving from me and I plan on being up there a lot! Catie and Mere are so sweet they said that the couch in their room is my bed. Im the third roommate! I can't even put into words how much I am going to miss them! They're my best friends, sisters, and role models! But its all okay because Ive decided Im stowing away in one of their suitcases and moving to Auburn with them, I can go to college a year early right!? Catie and Mere if you're reading this I hope y'all know how much I love you and how much you mean to me. Make me proud next year! And don't think we won't talk and see each other all the time! You can't get rid of me that easily.

 Catie and Me
 Meredith and Me 
Both of my little graduates! SO SO PROUD 

Sunday, May 10, 2015


I wanted to wish my wonderful mother a happy mother's day! I feel so blessed to have a mother like this one right here! She is selfless and loving and one heck of a best friend! Im so glad we have the kind of relationship where I can tell her anything. I would go to the ends of the earth for my mama! 
XOXO your little girl 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

10 things I want my dad to know

Hey everyone! The fam and I are having so much fun this week! We went to visit Auburn University today and I have fallen in love! But thats not what this post is about. I want to dedicate this post to my wonderful dad! Last night at around eleven o'clock at night in Auburn I need to go get some feminine hygiene products, I asked my dad to go with me to find some cause I didn't know where I was. We drove around for thirty minutes looking for a drug store, grocery store, or anything. We finally found a Kroger thank God! But not a lot of men would go out late at night when they were about to go to bed and get feminine hygiene products with they're daughter. I am so thankful for my dad and want him to know
1. The way you and mom raised Carson and I is the best way someone could've every been raised. You always made sure we had everything we ever needed or wanted. You spoiled us and still made sure we stayed humble. Ive learned to respect all people and not to take it out on other people when things don't go my way.
2. I underestimate the cost of my upkeep. I know you work really hard for our money. And I thank you for all the hard work you do because it provides for me. From diapers to gas money from Barbies to college tuition next year. I thank you for earning and working everyday!
3. You've always shown me what true love really is. Through the way love mom to the way you love Georgia football. You always showed me what it really means to love something/someone. I now know what to look for when I look for a husband and I know that no one is every good enough for me (as you always say)
4. You listen to me. I know I don't always tell you all the hot gossip but you always ask. And thats what's important. And you always intently listen when i go off on stupid tangents about the latest drama.
5. You, even after I mouth off or pick a fight, always love me. In the crazy teenage years I know I can be a little high maintenance and annoying and irritating but through all that you've always loved me and always will love me no matter what we've fought about last.
6. You always call. Wether you were living in Houston away from mom and Cars and I or are traveling to Morocco, you always called or facetime everyday no matter what.
7. You always believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. Thank you for always believing in me. From being at all my home football games to helping me with my homework. I know if I every need support I can go to you.
8. You're one of the only people I can be completely goofy with. I can always rely on you to take a selfie with more or make me laugh (yes you're jokes are sometimes funny, when they're not making fun of me). Thank you for letting me be completely myself around you.
9. YOU GET ME. 'nough said.
10. Lastly, thank you for loving, laughing, believing, smiling, joking, playing, supporting, hugging, tucking me into bed at night, being my best friend, biggest fan, but most of all thank you for everything! If it weren't for you I wouldn't even be here. You're an incredible dad and if I become half the person you are I know I'll owe it all to you. You made me who I am and I thank you everyday!
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Spring Break 2015

This week is HSP's spring break! a bunch of my guy friends are at the beach, my best friend lizzie is in Utah with her family, steph and cat are at home. My family and I opted for the college visit route this time. We're visiting Samford University tomorrow then Tuesday were off to Auburn! Im so excited to start the college search but also sad cause Im gonna miss all my friends and my family. I can't wait to get into a college I love and find my group there. But HSP and my friends there will always have a piece of my heart, always.
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lilly TBT

Lilly Pulitzer is a staple of southern living, I've had an obsession for Lilly since pretty much I was born. I love Lilly! My entire family is Lilly obsessed. Because it's Thursday heres a throwback of me a my big sister! At the beach when I was two and she was five. We've been Lilly girls since the start!
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves

Friday, January 9, 2015

Favorite Lilly 14-15 Resort print

Hey everybody,
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! I wanted to share with y'all my favorite print from the Lilly Pulitzer resort line this season. Here it is: Jungle Tumble! I adore this print because of all the colors! It has so many bright colors which brighten up a dull winter day but still enough dark colors to make it appropriate to wear during the winter!
Stay Southern
Mary Reeves